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Annie on my mind Nancy Garden

Mitwirkende(r): Materialtyp: TextTextUSA Square Fish 2013Beschreibung: 263 SeitenISBN:
  • 9780374400118
Schlagwörter: Zusammenfassung: From the moment Liza Winthrop meets Annie Kenyon at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, she knows there is something special between them. But Liza never knew falling in love could be so wonderful . . . or so confusing.
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Buch Buch Bibliothek im Regenbogenhaus In der Auslage Belletristik J/B ENG GARD (Regal durchstöbern(Öffnet sich unterhalb)) Verfügbar 1401

From the moment Liza Winthrop meets Annie Kenyon at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, she knows there is something special between them. But Liza never knew falling in love could be so wonderful . . . or so confusing.


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