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I was born for this Alice Oseman

Von: Mitwirkende(r): Materialtyp: TextTextLondon HarperCollins 2018Beschreibung: 400 SeitenISBN:
  • 978-0-00-824409-5
Schlagwörter: Zusammenfassung: The third novel from Alice Oseman depicts an encounter between Angel, who is the biggest fan of pop-rockers The Ark, and Jimmy, the frontman of The Ark. Both are surprised by the realities this meeting forces them to confront, in this young adult coming-of-age novel for fans of John Green and J.D. Salinger.
    Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4.0 (1 Bewertungen)
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Buch Buch Bibliothek im Regenbogenhaus In der Auslage Belletristik J/B ENG OSEM (Regal durchstöbern(Öffnet sich unterhalb)) Verfügbar 1526

The third novel from Alice Oseman depicts an encounter between Angel, who is the biggest fan of pop-rockers The Ark, and Jimmy, the frontman of The Ark. Both are surprised by the realities this meeting forces them to confront, in this young adult coming-of-age novel for fans of John Green and J.D. Salinger.


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